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Moranbah teams win national underground mines rescue competition

Posted on : 21-10-2023 | Author : Creamer Media Reporter

Photo by Creamer Media

The national Australian Underground Coal Mines Rescue competition held at Moranbah North mine saw eight mine rescue teams demonstrate their emergency response capabilities. Anglo American teams from Grosvenor and Moranbah North mines secured the first and second places, with South32’s Dendrobium Blue from Wollongong, NSW, taking third place. The competition included simulations of real-life emergency scenarios to test the teams' knowledge and use of equipment, as well as their hazard awareness, underground search and rescue, first aid, and firefighting skills. This annual event helps emergency response teams hone their skills and enhance their readiness to handle real-life emergency situations in coal mines. The competition serves as valuable training, promoting safety within the coal mining industry. Grosvenor and Moranbah North mines were also the winners and runners-up in the 2023 Queensland State Cup for Mines Rescue in July.

Moranbah North mine general manager Paul Green highlighted the importance of these competitions for enhancing skills and training. He emphasized that these skills are crucial in an industry where safety is paramount. The competitions also facilitate collaboration among mine rescue teams, a key aspect of the coal mining industry.

Grosvenor team captain Boyd Buschmann praised the challenges posed by the competitions, with the state competition at Carborough Downs being highly technical, while the national event was more physically demanding.

The Anglo American teams from Grosvenor and Moranbah North are expected to be invited to an international competition in Colombia in 2024. Anglo American operates five steelmaking coal mines in Queensland’s Bowen basin, along with joint venture interests in steelmaking coal and manganese and base metals exploration projects in Queensland and Western Australia.