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Mantashe seeks to extend the life of Eskom’s coal-fired power stations

Posted on : 19-10-2023 | Author : Irma Venter

Photo by Creamer Media

Mineral Resources and Energy Minister, Gwede Mantashe, has urged the private sector to engage with the government if they have proposals to extend the operational life of South Africa's coal-fired power stations. Many of these power stations have been earmarked for decommissioning due to their age, but there is a growing sentiment within the government to explore options for extending their lifespans. Mantashe also mentioned the ongoing debate about reversing the decommissioning of the Komati coal-fired power station, which he believed happened prematurely.

Additionally, Mantashe expressed optimism about the prospects of gas in South Africa. He noted that there have been gas discoveries in various areas, including shale gas in the Karoo. However, he highlighted that a multi-year moratorium on shale gas exploration is in place, pending regulations from the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment. Once these regulations are established, the moratorium can be lifted, and companies can apply for exploration permits.

Mantashe confirmed the government's continued interest in nuclear power, stating that they aim to procure an additional 2,500 MW of nuclear power.

In a light-hearted manner, Mantashe referred to himself as the "King of Coal" during a panel discussion focused on coal earlier in the day.