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Gravity energy storage systems an option at South Africa’s coal power stations

Posted on : 05-06-2023 | Author : Marleny Arnoldi

South Africa's Sizana Solutions consultancy has highlighted the compatibility of gravity energy storage systems (GESS) with the country's energy transition. GESS can create numerous job opportunities and facilitate environmental restoration, especially at soon-to-be decommissioned coal-fired power plants. Acting as the consultant for NYSE-listed Energy Vault in Southern Africa, Sizana affirms the viability of GESS in the country due to its lower life cycle cost compared to other energy storage technologies, thanks to its long lifespan and lack of degradation. GESS can be deployed anywhere a building can be constructed and offers longer durations of energy storage compared to lithium-ion batteries. The technology also provides flexibility in terms of power-to-energy ratio and can be configured for various applications. With more than 80% of GESS content already manufactured or manufacturable in South Africa, it offers an advantage over battery components that are predominantly imported. GESS boasts a high roundtrip efficiency, above 80%, and an availability of 95%. Sizana has garnered interest from major industries, mining companies, power producers, and government bodies in Southern Africa, including Eskom and the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. GESS presents an opportunity to restore the environment and repurpose decommissioned coal-fired power stations. Additionally, it can contribute to grid stability and provide ancillary services as the country expands its renewable energy generation. The consultancy sees significant potential for GESS in waste management solutions, such as sequestering construction waste, mine dumps, tailings, and water treatment residue. While awaiting proof of the technology's success in China, Sizana expects widespread adoption of GESS in South Africa in the near future, given the country's renewable energy goals, grid stabilization needs, job creation objectives, and waste management challenges.