Posted on : 25-08-2023 | Author : OdAdmin
Towards the commitment of environmental sustainability, Coal/Lignite PSUs under the Ministry of Coal have embarked on a concerted mission to achieve extensive afforestation goals. Coal/Lignite PSUs are making persistent efforts to minimise the footprints of coal mining through sustained reclamation and afforestation of areas in and around its operating mines. The reclamation activities are being carried out as per well-designed and approved mine closure plans, which carry detailed provisions regarding progressive as well as final mine closure activities.
The ongoing efforts of Coal/Lignite PSUs have resulted in the plantation of over 35.17 lakhs native saplings on an area of 1907 Ha of land in and around coal mining areas as of August 23, 2023 against the target of 2400 Ha in FY 2023-24. Coal/Lignite PSUs under the guidance of Ministry of Coal have also achieved a milestone of plantation covering more than 10000 Ha of land during last 5 years from FY 2019-20 by planting more than 217 lakh native species.
This ambitious initiative not only contributes to enhancing green cover and conserving biodiversity but also constitutes a significant stride towards climate change mitigation through creation of carbon sinks. Carbon sinks absorbs and store carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas responsible for climate change. Such plantation efforts will help regulate atmospheric CO2 levels, mitigating global warming and its adverse effects. These sinks play a pivotal role in the fight against climate change by contributing to a more balanced and sustainable environment. These efforts also support India’s NDC commitment towards creation of additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent through additional forest and tree cover and India’s long-term goal of reaching net-zero by 2070. This effort of Ministry of Coal is aligned with the National Mission for a Green India (GIM).