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New colliery promotes women’s empowerment

Posted on : 11-08-2023 | Author : Halima Frost

Photo by Mining Weekly

Within the initial months of its operation, Gugulethu colliery, a project by coal miner Canyon Coal located in Mpumalanga, South Africa, has taken steps to employ women, with plans to increase their presence in the workforce, according to Gugulethu mine GM Jarmi Steyn. The colliery, a subsidiary of investment company Menar, has hired 21 women in roles such as articulated dump truck operators, site administrators, blasting and mechanical assistants. Notably, Thobeka Mahlangu, a stakeholder relations superintendent from the local community, with 12 years of experience, has played a crucial role in establishing strategic relationships.

Steyn emphasized the importance of women occupying leadership positions, working as engineers, artisans, and in various roles across the sector. The development of the Gugulethu colliery is progressing well, and the mine is expected to produce its first coal shortly. The construction of the processing plant is on track, with completion scheduled by year-end.

Gugulethu colliery is actively working on creating opportunities for women in mining jobs, with the aim of fostering greater representation and empowerment. The mine has hosted a procurement day to engage local businesses, including women representatives, and has advertised skills development opportunities to attract more women to the workforce. Steyn reiterated the commitment to employing more women as operations progress and ensuring their participation in skills development programs such as learnerships and internships.