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Coal Stock in India Surges 34% to 103 Million Tonnes, Ensuring Power Sector Adequacy

Posted on : 19-07-2023 | Author : Press Trust of India

Photo by Business Standard

According to an official statement, the total coal stock in the country increased by 34 percent to reach 103 million tonnes (MT) on July 16. The coal ministry reported that as of July 16, 2023, the thermal power plant coal stock stood at 33.46 MT, marking a 28 percent increase compared to the same period last year. The ministry assured that there is no shortage of coal for the power sector, as coal availability, including pithead coal stock, stock in transit, and at thermal power plants, is at 103 MT, a 34 percent year-on-year increase. The ministry is closely coordinating with central and state generation companies to ensure coal supply. To facilitate uninterrupted coal evacuation, coal companies have constructed cemented roads, and transportation from nine coal mines to railway sidings has begun through mechanized coal handling plants. From April 1 to July 16, 2023, coal production reached 258.57 MT, compared to 236.69 MT in the same period last year. Coal dispatches to the power sector stood at 233 MT, up from 224 MT last year. The ministries of coal, railways, and power are working together to ensure sufficient coal availability for thermal power plants.