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New South Wales Court Dismisses Review Proceedings for Whitehaven Coal's Narrabri Expansion Project

Posted on : 07-07-2023 | Author : Esmarie Iannucci

Photo by Mining Weekly

The New South Wales Land and Environment Court has dismissed judicial review proceedings challenging the State Significant Development Consent for Whitehaven Coal's Narrabri Stage 3 expansion project. The proceedings, initiated by the Environmental Defenders Office on behalf of Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action Incorporated, sought to invalidate the Consent on climate change grounds. Whitehaven Coal welcomed the dismissal, stating that the claim lacked merit and emphasizing the comprehensive assessment of the project by the Independent Planning Commission, which included consideration of climate change-related matters. The company also noted that Federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation approval is still required before the project can proceed. Additionally, the Environment Council of Central Queensland Inc has filed judicial review proceedings in the Federal Court regarding the Federal Environment Minister's decision related to the Narrabri Stage 3 Underground Mine. Whitehaven has joined these proceedings in support of the Minister's position, and the case is scheduled to be heard in September. The proposed extension of the Narrabri underground mine aims to extend its lifespan, create economic benefits, generate employment, and extract additional coal from the region.